
About Us

Lehigh Valley AAPI is a local chapter of AAPI. AAPI is one of the largest ethnic organizations in the country. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) represents the interests of more than 35,000 physicians of Indian heritage in the United States. It is the largest ethnic medical organization in the country. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has over 100 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For the past 25 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities. They  have also made significant social impact and have brought increased diversity in the medical field. Almost 10%-12% of freshman medical students are of Indian origin.


AAPI Supported Projects

Clean Drinking Water Project

Childhood Obesity Awareness Campaign

CPR Hands On Training Programs

South Asian Heart Disease Epidemic

Cancer Care

Traumatic Brain Injury

TB Free India Initiative


News & Articles

Your View by a pediatrician: Finding some positives from the pandemic

By Sanjeev Vasishtha
The Morning Call

So much has changed this past year. No large gatherings, no big weddings, no partying with friends.

The kids have been homebound, and untrained parents have become teacher assistants. Vacation plans have been put on hold and, above all, we have lost loved ones.

I, too, lost my father this winter and was unable to travel to his funeral in India. As we pass the anniversary of this pandemic, I have tried to reflect on some positive takeaways.